The Crazy Animal Lady
“Animals are such agreeable friends―they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.” ― George Eliot Hello Warriors, If you know me personally then you know I live in a zoo and every one of my animals I would die for.
My house is busy, noisy and is run by a stubborn queen and we love it. If you are lucky enough to have pets, cherish them with all your heart. Animals don't judge and are truly happy with life and if you can soak up their energy and passion you will be a happy person. Having a pet is a privilege, so treat them with the same respect, love and loyalty as they will forever give you. Keep them safe and warm, keep them full and hydrated, keep them healthy and give them a safe fun place free from worry or care. If you can't do that and are not willing to fight for them then don't own a pet simple. They cost money, time and effort and if more people realized that the cute little thing they are buying will grow and be hard work there wouldn't be so many animals in shelters or roaming the streets. My love of animals started young with the help of my dad, I grew up with 2 big Rottweilers who were gentle giants and fierce guard dogs (yes you can have both, don't judge a breed). I had guinea pigs, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, birds and even goats over my time living at my parents.

In 2012 I moved into my own house with lucky enough my partner who is also an animal person (probably more than me). Of course, Archie came with us. Archie is our Pink and Grey Gala who came into our lives in 2011 at just 2-weeks old, we spent weeks hand feeding him, keeping him warm and of course loving him like crazy. My little man is now 5 and acts just like any 5-year-old boy, he throws a good tantrum, is always hungry and makes a mess. Archie is also clever with a vocabulary of about 30 words which means he always has something to say.He is sweet and loves cuddles but isn't a fan of men, especially his dad, it's only because he wants me all to himself. He is funny and with him around you always have someone who tells you goodbye as you leave and greets you with a hello when you arrive home.

Our youngest child is Angel, she was adopted by us in 2012 at K9 Rescue, she was a skinny, frightened, tiny 7-month-old puppy who stole Dales heart the minute she jumped on him, they were destined to be best friends. We have now had Angel for 4 years and she will be 5 in March 2017 and she has defiantly come into her own. Angel was once a frightened puppy who was treated cruelly and now lives the life of luxury and is the queen of the house. Angel is stubborn, definite, with a "my way or the highway" attitude. She sleeps inside on the lounge, owns 2 custom made beds, has food made for her and gets away with just about anything with her sweet eyes. Angel is a cautious but a great guard dog and just as the saying goes "I am wary of people who don't like dogs, but a trust my dog when she doesn't like a person". Angel has kept me safe, cuddled me as I cried and always makes us laugh.

Now Archie and Angel are our children but we have more animals to go.... Now surprise but I actually own 5 snakes and I think they are some of the most strangely beautiful creatures in the world , they have a calming effect that is hard to explain. We have 3 Stimson Pythons and 2 South West Carpets but only 3 have names. We have Bellatrix le Strange, who is incredibly lazy. Salazar who is not even a year old, but will get the biggest one day and our newest edition is Kaar a female South-West who has a bit of a feisty side to her. Our two unnamed pair are romantics who love each other and have the most beautiful relationship.
Next, we have a pair of Northern Rosella parrots which are very special to us because they were my dads. We also have lots of fish, way too many to count. Lastly and one of the coolest things we have are 4 fresh water sting rays, they a beautiful and peaceful and your day can be instantly distressed by looking at a fish tank. So that's my zoo and trust me it most likely won't stop growing anytime soon, one day when I get my farm I am getting a pig.
Until next time warriors, be Fearless
P.S post your furry friends in the comments I would love to see them all.