My Inspiration
Hello Warriors, Now I am a motivated, energetic and positive person who works hard, but I have never done it all alone. There are 3 amazing people in my life, I could name more but I would be here all day. These 3 have all helped me become the person I am right now. The first person is my grumpy, sweet and spontaneous crazy guy. I won't brag about him too much because he hates it, but my fiance has been my rock, he has been there for some of my worst and best moments and forever handles everything in his own special way. Our adventure is long, amazing and still going and one day I might tell it. ​​

Photo Taken by Beth from Sakura Photography go check her out.
The next 2 people are my parents, they both inspire me in their own ways together and individually. My mum and dad started dating when my mum was just 15 and my dad was 20 (I know scandal right) and in the 30 plus years they have been together, they have created a great life together, had 4 kids and we are all freaking awesome. They provided me and my siblings with an amazing childhood but also became foster parents to over 40 children in total. They came to every dance concert, BMX race, karate session and gave us unconditional love and with room to let us make our own mistakes, but were always there to catch us when we fell. My parents are best friends, and though my dad was not a romantic and they were defiantly not the affectionate type, what they had was amazing, they fought together and for one another and went through things I wouldn't wish upon anyone and I hope my relationship stays as strong as theirs. ​​

(P.S my mum has actually lost about 27KG since this photo. GO MUM)
My mum is one of the most craziest people you will know but she is also the best mum in the world and I know everyone says that but mine is THE BEST. My mum is forever supportive as long as we are happy and she tries to give us way more than we need. She drove me to every dance lesson and made sure I had the shoes, uniforms and costumes to go with it. Mum did my hair in every required fashion and moved all the furniture in the lounge room so I could practice my dance exams. As I got older she has become my best friend and lets me make mistakes and let me fail but is always there to tell me I tried and it didn't work so get back up and try again, she then stands on the side and claps for me. She also is a mean cook and at 23 I still need my mum and that's okay (I think I always will). My dad, who came from not a great childhood became a hard working man who never stopped, he was a man of very few words but when he spoke it was important. In 2013 I lost my dad to cancer but this is a story for another time. My dad made sure I had the childhood I did, that was full of love, support, where imagination was encouraged and a love of animals was a must, plus full of good times and for that I will be forever grateful. Everyone needs someone they look up to and people to grow with. But I believe in surrounding yourself with positive like-minded people is the best way to be. Find people that inspire you, hold on to them and absorb them. Positive vibes attract positive things and when life might seem horrible trust me when I say that there is always someone who has it worse. Focus on what you have and the people you are grateful for and you are sure to succeed, cut out negative people or if you can't cut them just avoid them as much as possible and don't be sucked into the negativity. until next time warriors, be fearless. Rochelle